101NUSER.ZIP 15,450 12-12-94 wwNewuser ver 1.01, a wcCODE application for* New verion 1.01 supports Caller ID and WCPartial list of features for wwNewuser 1.01:1) When a new caller logs on to your BBS for
will send a email message to the Sysop, inforcaller has logged on along with pertinent infcaller. wwNewuser keeps the Sysop informed of2) wwNewuser can send a RIP/ANSI display screlogon has been completed. This message is com
Great for sending new user information & gree3) You can attach a file for download to theThere are 3 options for this feature. 1) Do nthe caller decide to download the file or notto download the file. More features, but no m
1WVERIFY.ZIP 30,202 10-26-94 wwVerify is a wcCODE call back verifier forWildcat! 4.01. It is loaded with features andis very configurable. Can run as part of thelogon process or as a menu selection. Canblock long distance completely or by time of
day. Developed by Wildware!
1WWBDAY.ZIP 10,171 10-27-94 wwBirthday is a Wildcat! 4 wcCODE applicat-ion that scans your user database and createsa RIP and ANSI display file of user's birth-days. wwBirthday will also send a Sysop conf-
igurable birthday email to each user on his/her birthday. Makes hello or bulletin files.Developed by Wildware! for WC!4.01
2000WCX.ZIP 10,430 10-14-94 wcCODE version of 2000LAST version 1.02generates a color bulletin listing your last'nn' callers. For Wildcat! version 4.01 ONLY.
2TO1.ZIP 52,793 06-22-94 2TO1 version 1.4 compiled 6/22/94. Thisprogram converts a typical Wildcat! 2-lineformat file listing to a single line format,for use with the FILE HUNTER door or otherappli- cations where a single-line listing
AAAPAGE3.ZIP 7,875 01-22-95 AAAPage v2.2 for Wildcat! 4.01 ONLY* WildcatSystem Page Replacement. For Sysops who wantto be notified ONLY in case of an emergency.This will make the user think That you are
available 24hrs a day. However If you are notin front of the computer or somewhere you cansee the screen you will only know that youwere paged from the log. This Pager Turns thebell on or off depending on the page type.
Also Logs the reason for th Page. Nowsupports Sysop Defineable conferanc for thecomments to sysop. Written in WCCODE v4.01 byWayne Braswell
ACCESS1.ZIP 10,011 12-21-94 wwAccess 1.0, a wcCODE application for Wildca* Control access to your wcCODE applicationwwAccess is a security program that controlslevels can run particular wcCODE applications
have a database wcCODE application on the maiyou only want callers with the security leveland SYSOP to be able to run that application.no problem, you just specify what security leaccess to a particular wcCODE application and
will be the only ones that can run that wcCODcaller tries to run a wcCODE application thatto, you can show the caller a Sysop configuratelling them how to obtain/subscribe to moreDeveloped by Wildware!
ACCESS10.ZIP 3,314 01-09-95 WCX - The Access Door 1.0 in for Wildcat!
ACCUR28.ZIP 2,214 01-17-95 MDM file for the Hayes Accura 28.8 V.FC+FAX.
ACER.ZIP 99,637 02-11-94 Utility to kill old NODEDIFF and NODELISTfiles...
ACTPRO16.ZIP 58,418 12-17-94 ActPro 1.6 generates a .BBS and .RIP filethat lists everyone who called that day.Works with Wildcat! 3.x and 4.x BBS's. Canrecognize people who have donated money tothe board, and can exclude certain names.
Will list each user's total downloads,uploads, messages, flags, if they are a newuser, have dropped carrier, or have donatedto the board. Sysop customizable colors! Useone of the many sample color samples orcreate your own! Run the program from one
line, no complex batch files. ActPro takescare of EVERYTHING! Nice .BBS and .RIPoutput, and many other great features. Only$10 to register. Writen by Mike Christensen
ACTV350.ZIP 121,569 08-22-94 Actview is a tool for managing activity logsIt will show a days activity across all nodesin under a second on most PC's. It has veryadvanced search features and allows a SYSOPto quickly view new users, downloads,
uploads, BBS errors, Illegal logon attempts,and much more. Supports from 1 to 100 nodes.View all nodes at once! If you have not triedActview yet, give it a shot. This sharewareversion is not crippled in any way. It does
not write to any BBS files nor does itrequire you to change your config. Just unzipit in your WC30 directory and type "ACTVIEW".If you have multi-nodes, create anACTVIEW.CFG file and type "ACTVIEW VIRT". Seethe docs for more details.
AFLC20.ZIP 37,983 08-18-94 AFLC20 - ALLFILES List Creator ALLFILES v2.0for Wildcat! v4.0 will allow yo areas fromthe list and it allows any compres to createyour compressed version of the list own file
area headers to be included in the l freshenthe file size, date, & time in your W Severalconfiguration files can be used. It h DOSShare under OS/2. Registration is still only$15.00
AI401.ZIP 11,637 11-20-94 A.I. - Artificial Inteligence - previously knTHE BAD BOY BBS! 310.3081 or 310.915.5862 28.thanks to MSI and the WCCode IDE it is a realsimple - What this program does is to ask a u
the user to ask A.I. a question. When the usehis response is written as a message to the uThe next user that logs in is asked the questSome other stuff. It does have error traps asfilter! 2. It will check to see if the curren
on the system and will give them a message anwho want RIP then register it and not only wicomes out then I will release a version withthe registered version will have the second g5. The control/data file is fully configurabl
conference that you set up in Makwild. The unhave any RIP capability but for a measley $5wonderfull RIP artwork and my second game H.O
ALLB200.ZIP 4,064 11-07-94 AllBull Ver 2.00 For Wildcat! 4.01 WCCodeProgram to list ALL new bulletins to users asspecified or other options check it out!!
ALLFLOP.ZIP 72,048 10-09-94 ALLFLOP ver. 1.08, util for Wildcat! 4.0.Produces up to 10 output files listing allfiles available from your BBS. The programcan handle a database of up to about 10,000files depending on available memory.
ALTMAIL.ZIP 2,696 04-15-94 Info on running alternate Mail and Postlink(SAT)
AMDOS41.ZIP 52,438 12-10-94 AM Software AM-DOS ver.4.01 (4.01 wcx) AM-DOSwas created in order to access the systems'hard drive through a Wildcat! door, andsafely down / upload files or otherwisemaintain the system from a remote location.
All DOS commands that require no keystrokesare valid. "CD", "MD", "RD", "COPY", "MOVE","DEL" (and perhaps 100 more) are supported.AM-DOS will also allow you to RUN programsand batch files. (pk zip/unzip ok) Other
features include chat, batch up/dn-load, fileeditor, on line help, TRIPPLE SECURITY, easyinstall and much, much more. Registration$20, but worth a lot more. A true "must have"for any seroius Wildcat! sysop. AuthorLorenzo Cordola Jr.
AMSG1_5.ZIP 58,252 01-10-94 AutoMessage v1.5 - Postmaster clone + much m
ARCHVACT.ZIP 2,194 11-01-94 WcCode program to zip the activity log withthe current date. WC4.01.
AREACODE.ZIP 2,923 06-24-94 Contains AREACODE.TXT for use with WILDCAT!BBS ver. 4.x and wcPRO. This file is used bythe Statistics reporting of wcPRO and willdisplay via your output file (WCPRO.BBS) thelocation name of the most popular callers (i
configured for this option).
AREQ1_1B.ZIP 148,593 01-10-94 AutoRequest 1.1b A SysOp utility which allowsyour users to re TomCat and QWK files.Version 1.1 also includes a new "Automated Inenables your users to request and receive anymessage. This means that you could sent up
bulletins, users can view at any time viamail.
ARSRCH91.ZIP 10,022 10-29-94 Area Search v0.91 Areas Search Menu Optionsfor Wildcat 4.1. Adds the ability to searchConference or File area names for topics ofinterest by entering a search string. No more
scrolling through long lists to find areas ofinterest. Saves online time and increasesuser enjoyment! A wcCODE util brought to youby Beggar's Banquet - 1994. Shareware.Compiled with wcCODE 4.1.
ARTINTEM.ZIP 7,252 12-11-94 FREEWARE. ArtIntel v.1.2 is an artificial inthat makes it seem as though the computer isCompiled for WildCat! v.4.01. ArtIntel's fealanguage filter that you can adjust depending
material on your BBS, the ability to run it owear and tear on your hard drive, a logo bannwith wcDraw and the ability to set the confermessages to be written. By Duke Marsh - GrapAssociation (714) 651-1812 6 Gigs, multi-linaccess.
ASCDB10.ZIP 72,376 08-28-94 ASCII DBase Text Viewing Door v1.0! Allowsusers to view up to 10 ASCII text files whileonline your BBS. Simple to set up andconfigure, no maintenance necessary. Runswith most popular BBS drop files and supports
most baud rates. $10.00 registration fromWasteLands Software, Jeff Wayne author.Support BBS (502) 839-9161 The WasteLandsBBS, a Wildcat! 4.0 system!
ATTACHE.ZIP 61,168 08-20-94 ATTACHE ver. 1.00, utility for Wildcat!version 4.x only. This program reports on allmessages with files attached to them.Wildcat! version 3 users should locateATTACHE3.ZIP.
AUTO-11.ZIP 3,559 01-16-95 Automessage! Written in WcCode 4.01! Make apublic message available online! no need toupload a screen from remote! Just editonline! Dl today! FREEWARE Color selector!Uses message-like editor! Spell-checker!,
AUTOREGX.ZIP 13,997 01-07-95 AUTOREG v1.1 - This is the TABS validatingprogram you've been waiting for! Loaded withfeatures! Automatic messages to users.Anti-Hacking protection and much, much more.Validates $10 & $25 TABS #'s plus separate
configuration for your own personal #'s. ForWildCat v4.01 only!
AUTOREQ.ZIP 60,076 01-01-94 AutoRequest 1.0 - Download files via TomCat
AUTOS401.ZIP 69,735 10-26-94 AUTO-SECURE 4.01, Automatic-Security-UpgradeAn easy, On-line, upgrade procedure for yourCallback-Verifers, Weak security of Questionamanually upgrading and verifying New Users!
Features: - Coded in wcCODE for a fast, smoo- Supports up to 10 different SecL option,plus 3 SecLevels for fai - Checks for correctlogon informa and duplicate users. - Set NewUsers to the conference - Run on only the
nodes you want. - Full logging of New Userinputs. - Installation program for easy se -Many other features ...
BACKSLSH.ZIP 1,230 01-05-94 Generic .MDM file for backslash modems v32/v
BADNAMES.ZIP 3,742 11-12-94 BADNAMES Lister v 1.0 Written and Compiled inwcCODE 4.01 for Wildcat! BBS's Badnames.wcxwill create a new BADNAMES.LST in yourWildcat! Home Directory when run as a dailyevent or whenever you desire. This will
DISABLE the Duplicate User function added toWildcat! 4.x Created by Steven Thompson -DataFarm BBS Support available Via FIDOWildcat! Conferenc Wildnet Third PartyConference MSI Support Conferences
BADUSER.ZIP 29,596 01-26-94 [BADUSER.ZIP] A utility to be loaded beforerunning a door. Keeps an eye on "special"users and their activity. Will sound an alarmand post to an activity log. Uses DOOR.SYS. -
BANKER27.ZIP 5,866 01-22-95 Time Banker 2.7 for Wildcat! 4.01 wcCODE Appthat allows users to save some of their timeonline for later use. Fully configurable toallow the SysOp to set the Maximum Balance,
Maximum Transaction, and Entries per day. Youmay configure upto three Security Levels andUsers that will NOT be allowed to haveaccess. Easy to install, and not crippled!
BBSB10.ZIP 204,205 08-14-94 BBSBUDDY v1.00 - Not just another "cannot dowithout" sysop tool. A must have! Keep tabson all your bbs support programs/utilities ata single glance. Support board info, install
location, version#, reg#, registration info,and much more. Reporting facilities, contextsensitive help, "Query by example", pop-upbrowse boxes, network compatable and best ofall - NOT CRIPPLED! Only $15 to register.
BBSLOG.ZIP 54,140 03-08-94 Allow visiting sysops to add there bbs toyour logoff screen. Written for Wildcat, butsupports 29 other bbs drop files.
BCMSG10.ZIP 16,737 01-08-94 BCMSG 1.0 - BOBCAT Verifier Message utilityLets BOBCAT SysOps send messages,conditionally to users after they haveentered, completed or failed the BOBCATverification process.
BDOOR31M.ZIP 70,398 08-13-94 BDoor Multiline 3.1 - A Wildcat 3.X and 4.Xcompatible Door manager. Generates a WilcatDOORS.BBS and DOORS.RIP screens with variousdoor information. RIP screens are 100% RIPcompatible with mouse support. From Beakware
BEST9624.ZIP 2,965 02-09-94 MDM file for Best Data Smart One 9624 with W
BIS14400.ZIP 1,243 02-25-94 Configuration for BIS 14400 & Wildcat v3.x
BLACKLST.ZIP 2,745 11-17-94 Blacklist v1.0 - Blacklist is a small wcCODEapplication that lets you delete a user andadd them to the BADNAMES.LST in one step.Includes source code and complied .WCX forWildcat v4.01.
BTHMENU.ZIP 1534,465 04-11-94 BBS. These are Multi Line menus, with fullscreen Icons for each. There are 24 sets of3, main,msg,& file, each is different sothats 72 menus. All have hot keys for nonmouse control with full button commands. All
were done with ripaint, very easy to edit forConference screens, and menus from my boardwhich require no icons at all. Included arenode, prelog, goodbye, and romdoor rips. emu
BTIME3.ZIP 43,259 03-24-94 Wildcat 3.0 Time Bank.. great Ansi Graphic Bu
BURGER.ZIP 3,600 03-04-94 RIP: RipScript of a big, juicy burger (ala C
CABIN_41.ZIP 6,169 12-17-94 CABIN-4.LST is a list of utilities forWildcat! 4.x SysOps from the Charlatan'sCabin BBS. These are all "CHARWARE" noregistration fees, but you're asked to donateto your own favorite charity if you find the
programs useful.
CALCAT56.ZIP 109,664 12-03-94 JUST IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAYS!!!!!! CalCat!v5.5 the ULTIMATE HOLIDAY Screen Sw Thishighly rated utility will help reduce stressand workload during the holiday seas CalCat!knows 242+ holidays and does other
configurable swaps. RIP Support. Designedaround Wildcat! but supports other softwareas well. This utility requires theHOLISCRN.ZIP file operate. This file containsall of the @@c coded holiday screens ordownload HOLIDAYS. to get the @@coded and RIP
CALENDAR.ZIP 9,261 03-19-94 Creates A RIP Calendar For Each Day - *FREEWA
CALLSCAN.ZIP 2,871 11-09-94 wcCODE v4.01 CallerID for Wildcat v4.01 LogoThis file will use callerID, and save the calTo a disk file called "Collor.log"
CALLSCAQ.ZIP 3,246 12-12-94 CALLSCAN v4.01 CallerID Logon System CallscanV4.01 for Wildcat BBS v4.01 Only is acallerID logon system that is very easy toset up and have running on your bbs in acouple of minutes. The User with sign on with
there name and password. Then Your System wilalert the user that CALLSCAN is Active and BEyour System. It will the ID the Caller to a fcalled CALLER.LOG located in your WILDCAT homdirectory. Registered users will be able to
print out the CALLID file and LOCKOUT all ofthe users that don't pass the CALLID test.FULL registration is only 4 BUCKS! Enjoy
CALLWAIT.RIP 1,512 04-02-94 The Wildcat Callwaiting screen in RIPscript
CAT0101.ZIP 8,995 12-15-94 The CAT! a new newsletter for WC Sysops!Submission information for submittingarticles for newsletter "The CAT!" As of 11Nov 94.
CAT13.ZIP 11,753 12-11-94 CAT-TRIX 1.3 LOGON MATRIX for Wildcat! 4.01Written by Mike Cataldo Just Like a N.U.Pfound on non-WIL An easy, On-line, Securityfeature for Sysops to all new users, theymust know the PASSWORD Features: - Coded in
wcCODE for a fast, REGISTERED ver - You areable to change the p the PWORD.DAT file fromWITH - Allows User to leave message - AllowsUser to Page Sysop fr - Allows User to LogOfffrom m - Sysop can put whatever secur in
SECLEV2.DAT REGISTERED ver - Send messages tousers from REGISTERED ver - Uploads areaccepted. - Many other features are to c -"CORRECT" & "SORRY" DISPLAY Features to come:- Will allow for download of a text - Apossible CallBack Door to allow
CATCHG14.ZIP 84,496 01-15-95 CatCharge! 1.4 Online Ordering WCX Doorw/Checks TABS Many Features. This is theULTIMATE Online Door written in wcCODE forWC4. This DOOR handles Credit Card, Checksand Savings, 10 Categories with up to 16
items per catagory (160 Items possible toSell). Each Item configurable for Tax. EachItem can have 2 Custom Prompts/Queries (320PROMPTS Possible) Multiline ready w/ FileLocking, Logging, Message Import into WC4
Dbase. Handles Extra charges (ex. FED EX orShipping). Also includes the TABS AccessFeature! Handles Sec exclusion, and NeverDelete flags. Written by William Mantz SeeDocumentation for Details.(Dragon Plan)
CATCOLOR.ZIP 63,958 06-18-94 CATCOLOR version 1.60 Displays Wildcat! filesas they will look on your system. The programaccepts DOS Wildcards on the command line,and will display all matching files, showing
display colors and simulating system or uservariables. For Version 4.x and 3.x of Wildcat!
CATS50AU.ZIP 72,340 02-19-94 CatStat v5.0a - WC3.xx Utility to augment WCPA Wildcat 3.x+ Utility that replaces/augments WCPro for creating Stats on aWildcat 3.xx BBS. Can do the following: 1)Keeps a breakdown of calls by hour and Day
for History of BBS. 2) Keeps track of the useof each door by name for that Day. 3)Includes dynamic Download/Upload Screensincluding type of Protocol Used and problemlistings. 4) Keeps track of TomCat if it is
active in the system. SHAREWARE - Three PawsProductions (513) 745-0965 BBS
CATTICK1.ZIP 55,660 11-04-94 CatTick v1.00, the Tic processer for Wildcat!CatTick will process "very quickly" all yourtic's into the proper directory setup inMakewild! Then using WCFile and WCMail,CatTick will upload the files, and post a
message to your users reguarding the newuploads. DECH Software
CATTRIX2.ZIP 8,373 10-31-94 CAT-TRIX 1.2 LOGON MATRIX for Wildcat! 4.01Written by Mike Cataldo Just Like a N.U.Pfound on non-WIL An easy, On-line, Securityfeature for Sysops to all new users, theymust know the PASSWORD
TiME Software Presents... CCBBS Call v2.00The BEST caller's log scanner for Wildcat3.0+! Totally Customizable Outputs
CDROMDOC.ZIP 26,153 10-04-94 CDROM 1.1 by Dan Creagan. A TEXT file whichhow to write a CDROM door using WcCode. Thesearch, download, and browse functions. Sourcand support programs included. dan.creagan@la
or WBC BBS at 316-788-9392. Updated for grammsome code clarification.
CDROP70.ZIP 57,682 09-10-94 Carrier Droppings,V7.0 Bulletins of CD DropsFREE utility that can be run as a postcallevent or as a nightly event. Handles multinode systems as well. Written for Wildcat 4.xONLY! CARRIER DROP BULLETIN FREE BRYAN
CDRWCX1A.ZIP 17,755 12-27-94 CDROMS 1.01 by Wade Maxfield. Free. A WCX filA full (not crippled) implementation of a CDsubsystem for WildCat version 4.01 BBS. You chave up to 18 CD Roms, with up to 99 director
in each CD ROM. Offline support included. Dowis integrated into the Wildcat download systeSearch is supported within the file directoriCD Roms can be added /removed without shuttinWildcat. Source code can be purchased.
CHALL12.ZIP 27,328 01-20-95 Challenge Trivia V1.2 Wildcat BBS WCCODE TriThis is an Excellent Trivia Game that will AlInteractively compete against one another foryou choose. All maintenance on the game is
even post notes to users when they have beenplayer. game is configurable to fit your sysversions will expand in to spacific subject mThis Game has been through much testing, andas one of the most popular games on their sys
for all Wildcat Sysops. its a load of fun fo
CHEFDOOR.ZIP 89,441 07-31-94 CHEFDOOR, version 4.00 for Wildcat! DOORprogram lets users search through a databaseof recipes. For versions 4.x and 3.x ofWildcat!
CHGM0195.ZIP 77,682 01-06-95 CHGMAST v1.2L(WCX). Finally, THE total onlinecredit card, TABS & check processor for WC!v4.01. Total integration and ease of use iswhat sets this apart from others. Caller ID
aware, automatically upgrades users securitylevel and expiration date date, generateswelcome/receipt messages to the user & sysop,detailed logging, 100% compatable with DragonBusiness Services file format, TABS $10 & $25
codes supported and much more. Bundled with aWCX setup/maint program! Only $15 to register*Competitive upgrade* available for WC sysopswho have already wasted $$$ on other chargedoors -Unregistered version is FULL FEATURED-
CHGMAS1B.ZIP 28,423 10-28-94 CHGMAST v1.0b. WC! 4.01 Sysops, THE completecredit card, TABS & check processor for WC!is here. Total integration and ease of use iswhat sets this apart from others. Caller ID
aware, automatically upgrades users securitylevel and expiration date date, generateswelcome/receipt messages to the user & sysop,detailed logging, 100% compatable with DragonBusiness Services file format, TABS $10 & $25
codes supported and much more. Soon to come -unattended "dial-out" mode! Only $15 to reg.*Competitive upgrade* available for WC sysopswho have already wasted $$$ on other chargedoors -Unregistered version is FULL FEATURED-
CHGSETUP.ZIP 39,410 07-05-94 Fix for runtime error in CHGSETUP.EXE(WC-Charge 4.0b)
CHK4MSG2.ZIP 4,361 10-29-94 CHK4MSG 2.0 - WcCode 4.01 - Will scan Activitmail scanner if message was found. Now has TWthat can be configured for local conferences.
CHKFLE20.ZIP 13,538 10-27-94 wcCODE app for 4.01-Import FILE_ID.DIZ fromCD-ROM's, Hard Drives, Network Drives, orjust about anyplace. Uncrippled SharewareVersion. $10
CIDLG10.ZIP 46,740 09-01-94 Caller ID Logon version 1.0, 09-01-94.Wildcat! 3.x utility that compares caller IDinformation against the user database, andautomatically logs on users. RequiresMultiDoor and Stackey. -AV by author,
CIMEX.ZIP 62,332 07-31-94 CIMEX version 1.20, utility for Wildcat!exports and imports CONFERENCE descriptionnames to CONFDESC.DAT. For versions 4.x and3.x of Wildcat!
CIRCTEXT.ZIP 23,576 01-27-94 Colored Prompts for Wildcat! 3.90. Non-RIP
CKMAIL11.ZIP 15,046 01-24-95 ChkMail will exit with an errorlevel if the luser on the system left a message. This is gto run a mail tosser. This program supportsWildCat! v4.x.
CL21.ZIP 39,683 09-21-94 Call Log 2.1 New Features
CMASTER.ZIP 31,265 03-18-94 CatMaster 2000 - GREAT WildCat! 3.x tool (mul- This is CatMaster 2000, direct from those wminds at A.D. 2000 Online Services. With Catyou have a power-packed control panel for you
Multi, Pro, or IM software. Realtime node moActivity log browsing, System and/or node shua host of other features! Complete with a VEuser interface that you've come to know and l2000 is DesqView friendly, runs great across
and fully supports file and record locking/shin Turbo Pascal 7.0 and low-level assembler fmemory efficiency. NO setup required.
CMNT103.ZIP 7,231 01-24-95 Comment 1.03 allows multiple choices for CommUp to 6 Sysops, their respective titles, confmessage will be posted in, and flagging of prThis uses the internal message editor - incluchecker. For WildCat V4.01. WCX V4.01
utility. Give your users the choice!
CNFO401A.ZIP 3,954 10-28-94 CONFINFO V1.0 WC4.01 (WCX) BBS Utility.CONFINFO will detect the caller's currentjoined conference and display aninformational screen about the conferencecreated by you. Display conference rules,
topic info, or any text you wish the callerto know about the conference he or she hasjoined. Recompiled for Wildcat Version 4.01.
CODE25.ZIP 22,156 12-04-94 launch 1000 logon, event and postcall files.wc 4.01 Version 2.5 Contains three separateprograms. Gives users the option of viewingnew files since their last call during theirlogon process! Try them as a package today
for only $10.
CODEFRAG.ZIP 31,539 08-03-94 This file contains the code for all examplesin the wcCODE man. wc4.01
COINFLIP.ZIP 7,401 10-30-94 Allows user to GAMBLE Acc. Bal. - CoinFlip V1Allows user to GAMBLE thier BBS CREDITS! (AccThis program has the user place a bet on wheton heads or tails. If the user is right, the
are wrong, they loose the amount of thier betmore than 1.00 in BBS credits, the "SYSOP" au* Writes to actvity log if User won, lost, or* Now has nifty "coin" that flips into air an* A wcCode program RE-compiled (and improved)
COLORIZE.ZIP 4,737 01-29-94 Colorize your QUOTES.BBS file. Source includ
COMCOS1.ZIP 6,445 12-15-94 COMCOS V1.0 allows your users to leave a commor your CoSysop in the conference of your cho
COMNT100.ZIP 2,347 10-29-94 Forces 'Comments' into the conference you choThis wcCode program forces 'Comments to the Syou choose and returns the caller to the confwcCODE application should show you how easy i
since it is only 5 lines long. The source comay be distributed freely as long as the origThis wcCode program was compiled with wcCodeon a Wildcat! 4.0 BBS. It WILL run on a WildUse MakeMenu to change your 'Comment' command
and then make COMMENT.WCX the parameter.
COMTSYS.ZIP 2,381 10-31-94 Comment to SysOp v1.3 for WC 4.01. Theoriginal, now w/ new features!
CONFBACK.ZIP 3,583 11-11-94 CONFBACK v1.0 for Wildcat 4.01 BBS's. Setsthe callers "Last Conference" to anyconference you pick.
CONFCHG.ZIP 38,766 01-27-94 CONFCHG v1.1 let's Wildcat! Sysops change ausers confrence number after a Door or DosDrop. Can be used with a Callback verifier ormany other programs to give your users access
to you BBS in new and FUN ways! It is Sysopdefineable to which confrence the user willreturn to. 100% invisible to the user. Quick,Clean, and self contained. No additionalprograms needed. No messy Config files to
worry about. Logs actvity to activity logs.<<<<<FREEWARE>>>>> From Brian's World (714)821-3123
CONFLST2.ZIP 2,702 11-01-94 CONFERENCE LISTER v2 SYSOP utility for WC4.01wcCODE program that will make a listing ofall your conferences. Showing the Conferencenumber, name and message path. Option toprint to either the screen or file. R.J.
CONFSET.ZIP 5,320 11-07-94 CONFERENCE_SET v1.0 FOR WC4.01. Sets thecallers "Last Conference" to any conferenceyou pick. Runs as part of the POSTCALL.WCXEasy to install and use. Sample POSTCALL.WCXincluded.
CONFXREF.ZIP 27,208 01-22-94 WC3.x util cross-references echomail config f
CONV2XX.ZIP 46,578 01-09-94 This package contains WC_CONV.EXE Designedfor converting screens used with Wildcat!v2.xx that were created with other utilitiesbut that leave control codes in the file thatare not needed or wanted. Moves files during
processing, etc.
CONVERT1.ZIP 37,058 11-06-94 CONVERT v1.0 is a simple utility for Wildcatthat will read the 52 line DOOR.SYS andoutput a DORINFOx.DEF for those doors thatrequire DORINFOx.DEF. Shareware -Registration is only $4.
COUNT10.ZIP 34,909 04-17-94 Let's you set # of dialing attempts for UUCICyour Host! FREEWARE from ON-CALL Software.use and could be ENTIRELY useless to you butcheck it out anyway. Keeps my Internet host
my board seem busy all darn night if I can'tand make the mail run.
CP-FROM4.ZIP 35,787 09-16-94 CP-From4 v.05 for WC4.x Creates the FROMentry using other sources
CPAGE0.ZIP 7,191 01-09-95 Features - 1) Rip Support 2) Page SysOp(Wildcat internal) 3) Emergency Page SysOp(Bypasses internal pa 4) Comment to SysOp(forces conference 0 then 5) View who'son-line 6) User Page (with on-line users
displayed) 7) Quit back to BBS 8) Goodbye(with goodbye screen support) 9) Logs reasonfor SysOp page to activity.#
CPM11.ZIP 4,275 08-16-94 Cusomized Paging Module Version 1.1 Threelines of text for users to share their reasonfor paging. Cancel option available to userswho change their minds. $5 registration feegets you the source code.
CPRO1A.ZIP 130,171 02-20-94 C-Pro v1.0 - Activity log report maker for W
CTNEWS47.ZIP 71,100 01-21-95 CATNEWS! v4.7 COOL WC4/WC3 Newsltr Maker inRIP/@Code *INFO*. Built-in Editor, ThisUtility creates a cool "VGA LOOKING" Wildcat!Newsletter for your Users. New Feature! AutoMaintenance Function will save x Amount of
Newsletters for you so that you do not needto manually delete really old ones. SeeDocumentation. Catnews! is Shareware byMaddog Productions William Mantz
CYBERLGN.ZIP 6,688 10-28-94 CyberLogon One!!! Include a PCBoard Emulatora Logoff Module, and a few extras... Check itout, you *WILL* like it... ,
DATAV50.ZIP 230,261 07-28-94 Version 5.0 The MOST ADVANCED archive viewerfor WildCat! 4.xx BBS systems! Supportsstandard and digiboard ports. Views ZIP, ARJ,LZH, PAK, SDN, ARC, EXE, UC2, MOD and manyother files. Allows text reading, text
DCATB15.ZIP 35,035 12-11-94 D'CatBack v1.5, Call-Back Verifier - wcCODEfor Wildcat! 4.1 Sends messages to callers aswell as SysOp, w Logging, Duplicate numberschecking, and can set to allow long distance
calls, as well as Prefix settings for thosethat use area calli 911,900,800 aware, alsoexpire dates can be s Can be configured toforce the caller to down a file prior tocall-back process. Also can b set to dial for
a outside line prior to calli back the calleras well. This is a VERY NICE Call-BackVerifier for all Wildcat! 4.1 BBS's.
DCDTCT14.ZIP 11,833 01-21-95 DCDTeCT v1.4 for WildCat 4.01. A wcCodeutility that monitors logoffs for a droppedcarrier. If detected either a message can besent or a u#.bbs file displayed. Both themessage sent and the display file can be
customized to suit the personality of yoursystem. The message conference is also sysopselected. Also included is a bulletin/display/log file generator. Other optionsinclude subtracting time from a users daily
limit, logging user off for the day. Fullyfunctional shareware. Source available withregistration. Brought to you by Beggar'sBanquet. Compiled with wcCODE 4.01 1/17/95
DDCALL40.ZIP 25,043 12-14-94 DDCALL4 v1.01 *FREE* WC4.x caller activity ANCreates ANSI/text bulletins for WildCat! 4.xactivity including logon, logoff, connect timno. of messages entered online or via wcMAIL,
uploaded/downloaded, bulletins viewed, questinewsletter viewed, wcMAIL upload/download, nedroppers, fast logins and sysop paged all oncaller + totals. Configurable for security leand user defined text for headings. Free for
DDMENU18.ZIP 56,984 01-24-94 DoorDoor Menu v1.8 - Gateway to multiple doo
DDMESS21.ZIP 25,224 02-12-94 DDMESS2 v1.11 - Message Activity Bulletin Ge
DGCALL21.ZIP 7,163 01-10-95 Pretty decent Caller Log .WCX from The Dobe GWritten by Terry Conner. Only my third progrit reads and inputs from activity logs and afile, and a .key file (when registered). Onl
and it will track the # of callers you tell iNode, Caller, From, Downs, Ups, Time, Date, MQwks, TimeOn, BaudRate.....Logs it all. UseREAL name, or ALIAS! You cfg it! WC! v4.01This is v2.5 - I'm keeping the same name so I
clutter up BBSs with old versions.
DLINE15A.ZIP 70,312 01-16-94 DATELINE 1.5a Calendar and event database forbulletins, updates files by deleting outdatedin Calendar feature for easy monthly planning
DLOAD.ZIP 124,199 05-04-94 Dload Door Is A Sysop Util To Put NeededFiles Up For A Users To Download It Will WorkOn Ver 4 Of Wildcat And Has No Key File . ItSupports Rip And Has Alot Of Fixes From TheOld Ver. Made By the makers of Ripfast. The
Unregistered Ver. Only Allows 2 Files To PutUp. Easy To Use Install Program. Only $5 ToReg. (C) '94 , Darkside Software , SteveWatkins e
DLWARNV8.ZIP 6,615 11-25-94 DLWARN v8.0 is a Download versus Messages wriFor every [1] message written the user is allto Download so many files. For Wildcat v4.01.Get rid of the LEECHES... SySopconfigureable... Read the Docs carefully...
Source code included...
DMI_340.ZIP 525,182 02-20-94 DoorMan v3.40 - Doors Mgnt System *NOT KANSI/ASCII/RIP Menus VERY EASY Install/SetuUp To 225 Doors Drop File Converter ScoViewer No BAT Files Random Menus/BackgrouUsage Statistics All Built-In! Only $30!
DOIT_100.ZIP 10,700 12-10-94 wcDoit! v1.0,wcCODE v4.01 prog. for WC v4.01.A message posting utility that sends a textmessage to every user in a security level andchanges the security level before that user
logs on your BBS the 2nd time. It's OPTIONSare: attach a file; set expiration date; postin conference of choice; flag message aspublic or private. wcDoit! was written to berun from prelog.wcx. Also maintains log of
messages sent and an error log. FREEWARE By:Leon Krzyzanowski
DOORBILL.ZIP 32,499 03-09-94 Door Billing System For WC V3.9
DOORCOST.ZIP 100,005 09-02-94 WC4 door DoorCost v1.10 asks user to pay frDoorCost v1.10 prompts the user to pay a pennbalance to enter a door. If they have it andcontinue. When registered, the cost can be s
DOORMENU.ZIP 5,217 10-28-94 Written By Don Lasseigne BBS Late Night (504449-0476
DOWNLD21.ZIP 32,747 01-18-95 Download tracker for Wildcat
DRMGR20.ZIP 6,328 12-30-94 Doormgr.Wcx ver2.0 Will Enforce a Message toCall Ratio to prevent users from entering theDoor Menu unless they are within the Sysopconfigured Ratio. Sysop can exclude up to 6
Security Levels from enforcement, and can setup 6 special ratio's for seperate securitylevels and a warning ratio to remind allusers of the pending lock-out caused by lackof posting.
DROPDOS.ZIP 3,130 08-12-94 Ask for another password before dropping todos. Rip/ansi. /W source
DROPPED.ZIP 42,381 11-13-94 Reads WC4.01 Activity Logs and picks out UserCan be configured for up to 10 Nodes. It is astand-alone .EXE program written in BC7 byMicrosoft. The output is placed in a pureASCII file. FREEWARE!
DSTAT.ZIP 22,992 03-22-94 WC3.x util: Displays # of times each door is
DSYSFIX1.ZIP 6,393 08-02-94 Utility to Squish line 23 of Door.sys
DUPEFILE.ZIP 63,330 08-07-94 DUPEFILE, version 1.20 for Wildcat! workswith WC 4.x and 3.x databases. Searches yourALLFILES database for duplicate or similarfilenames, and generates a report.
DUPEUSER.ZIP 63,345 08-07-94 DUPEUSER, version 1.20 for Wildcat! SysOpUtil scans WC 4.x or 3.x user file(ALLUSERS.DAT) and generates a report ofduplicate passwords, voice or data phonenumbers.
EBAUD100.ZIP 17,461 03-14-94 Error-Baud v1.0 Changes Menus based on Baud R
EBULL104.ZIP 26,556 06-24-94 EagleBull 1.04 - Creates a display of your neUsed with the Eagle Enterprise Charge DoorCreates RIP, ANS, ASCII & Wildcat displys (CaAlso choose between displaying the Date, Amouthe members Name.
EDEVENT.ZIP 73,223 08-27-94 EDEVENT version 1.01 for Wildcat! 4.x. ForWildcat 4.x EVENT files ONLY. Insert, Delete,and Edit NODE events outside of Wildcat!.Note: Wildcat! version 3 users should seeEDEVENT3.ZIP for an earlier version.
EDIT_E11.ZIP 68,309 07-05-94 REmote editor door for WC BBS systems. Only$10 to register. Evaluation version is fullyfunctional. Give it a try! Load/edit/save anyANSI/ASCII/WC text file from a remotelocation. .
EO.ZIP 3,753 02-15-94 Main,Message, and File menus used on EntrepiOnline hele. d
EREQ25.ZIP 26,350 11-07-94 ECHO REQUESTER 2.5 - A wcCode Application forWC 4.01! This program will allow your usersto view an echo list and request echos thatinterest them! No more unwanted echos! TheRequester will post a message to the Sysop
with the AreaTag and the requestor's name!Configurable conference availalility.Currently FREEWARE!! Multi Network Support!wcCode Echo Requester Wildcat 4.01 by KevinErickson v2.5 11/07/94
ERROR.ZIP 3,058 08-20-94 3 Batch files to: Read, Print and/or Delete yAdd 3 DOOR HOOK to your Sysop Menu and voilaError.log Online!
EVALFILE.ZIP 154,010 08-22-94 WC!4 BBS door EvalFile v1.10 makes AllFiles.TEvalFile v1.10 is a Wildcat! v4 BBS door thattheir downloaded files. It tracks which fileand compensates them for the evaluation by lo
ratio. Sorted results are written to a textusers know which files are hot and which arefor the age of information overload. Version1.10 now generates AllFiles.Txt, a te thefiles on your BBS sorted by conference th
EXP-USER.ZIP 9,955 01-13-95 EXP-USER v1.0 Hello or Bull of Expired UsersFREEWARE EXP-USER v1.00 for Wildcat V4.01 theultimate SysOp Userlist Utility. SAMPLEOUTPUT: List of Expired Users o JUAN DECOFrom Miami, Fla Exp JOSE DOLOMEO From rio
piedras pr Exp ROBERT CAVID From Phoenix, AZExp JOSE TREIYE From MIAMI,FL Exp NEW NEWFrom Miami, FL Exp SCOTT RESHSEEW From Miami,FL Exp BRIEN SPEN From mIAMI,fl Exp WILLIAMTAMAY From Miami Exp DON TRUFA From Miami, FL
Exp BOB DISCOUNT From homestead fl Exp DAVIDVOLGA From Miami, Fl Exp DAVID WATSON Fromsuper zone Exp EXP-USER v1.0 Written by Mr.Gold from Gold
EYESTIMF.ZIP 13,300 01-12-95 Time Bank WCX for Wildcat
EZYPAG11.ZIP 6,704 12-18-94 The EzyPager v1.01 (For Wildcat 4.01) (FreewaThis program offers callers a chance of chattdemanding a reason for the page. It also makreason in the appropriate activitylog file. a
little easier. <g> It takes away nothing t4.01 (regarding paging the sysop) and adds soscreaming about for years.
FAREA10.ZIP 14,378 01-03-95 FArea v1.00 (WCX) creates a text file calledFAREA.TXT which list all file areas and theassociated path to each area. A free Wildcat!utility program from T&J Software.
FAXSPL20.ZIP 52,351 03-08-94 Fax Split v1.00 is a SysOp utilty for Wiltakes a plain ASCII text file and splitsnumbered files (pages) of 60 lines per painclude many options to registered users.future options.
FCWC200.ZIP 9,704 01-24-95 This is a ALLFIX file area compiler for WildCWorks with WildCat! v4.xx and Allfix 4.21 andAllfix 4.30. . .
FD&WC3.ZIP 9,410 03-13-94 Install FrontDoor to Wildcat vs 3x
FD212WC4.ZIP 10,677 08-10-94 FD212WC4.EXE - Front Door 2.12 to WC4.x - pasincluding non-error correcting modems. ie; 24All connect rates and error correction. Free.
FD2WC4.ZIP 11,384 08-10-94 FD2WC4 v1.1 - Front Door 2.2x to WC4.x - passincluding non-error correcting modems. ie; 24All connect rates and error correction. ThisFIX : Added v32.
FDML2WC4.ZIP 24,775 07-26-94 FDML2WC4.EXE v1.0 - DOBBSx.BAT translator forFrontDoor 2.2x/ml and Wildcat 4.x.FDML2WC4.EXE eliminates the need for messyEXEBBS.BAT files to run your Wildcat v4.x BBSfrom FrontDoor 2.2x. This new version
supports multiple tasks and oddball connects;and best of all, it's free. Lawrence Gordon,author.
FDMLWC10.ZIP 27,469 05-11-94 DOBBSx.BAT translater for FrontDoor 2.2x.mLCommercial and Wildcat 3.x. FDML2WC.EXEeliminates the need for messy EXEBBS.BATfiles to run your Wildcat BBS from FrontDoor2.2x.mL. This new version supports multiple
tasks and oddball connects; creates callerlogs for each task; and best of all, it'sfree. Lawrence Gordon, author.
FDOORSYS.ZIP 5,922 08-02-94 A WC 4.0 util fix DOOR.SYS line #23 on largeWildCat! v4.0 allows 32,000+ conference areasof DOOR.SYS, all the conferences that a user#23 of DOOR.SYS. 32,000 conferences takes up
have a DOOR.SYS file that may end up to be ovchoking on the large DOOR.SYS, so I wrote thiline.
FDWCHM10.ZIP 133,092 10-19-94 Step by step setup for FD 2.12/WC!4/HyperMailThis step by step tutorial contains all the nscreen captures, batch files, and detail explto help you in connecting your Wildcat! v4.x
Frontdoor v2.12 and HyperMail! v1.0x and otheutilities with Fidonet. Sample setup files arfor easier setup. Easy step by step installatWritten by Mufutau Towobola of Systematic BBSFidoNet 1:278/111 * Systematic BBS> (718)
FDWCWM20.ZIP 133,502 11-10-94 Setup for Frontdoor v2.12/WC!4/WildMail v4.xThis step by step tutorial contains all the nscreen captures, batch files, and detail explto help you in connecting your Wildcat! v4.x
Frontdoor v2.12 and WildMail v4.x and other rutilities with Fidonet. Sample setup files arfor easier setup. Easy step by step installatWritten by Mufutau Towobola of Systematic BBSFidoNet 1:278/111 * Systematic BBS> (718)
FD_WC3.ZIP 9,410 03-13-94 Install Instructions For FrontDoor W/Wildcat
FE2WC100.ZIP 28,030 10-06-94 FE2WC v1.00 - Frontend to Wildcat translationutility. Now supports all versions ofFrontDoor and InterMail and Wildcat versions3 and 4. Freeware from Lawrence Gordon.
FILELST3.ZIP 3,158 11-02-94 FILE AREA LISTER v3 SYSOP utility for WC4.01wcCODE program that will make a listing ofall your file areas. Shows the file areanumber, name and path. Option to print toscreen or file. Will create a Frontdoor
compatible "List.txt" for file requests(saves a lot of time). R.J. Chalupka
FILESTUF.ZIP 98,094 09-24-94 Allows you to select a file area whichcontains potential files to enter into the WCfile data base. Displays the .DIZinformation, allows you to select forinclusion and then: asks for WC file area,
new desired drive\ directory to match thatarea, cost for download (optional), and thenmoves the files, enters the data in the database, and calls a companion program toextract the .DIZ info into the WC file
database. All these actions run from a SYSOPdefined key, calling a WCX file. WCC codeincluded as necessary. Freeware! -
FIMEX.ZIP 62,335 09-04-94 FIMEX version 1.21, utility for Wildcat!exports and imports FILE AREA descriptionnames to FILEAREA.DAT. For versions 4.x and3.x of Wildcat!
FINDUSER.ZIP 70,640 08-14-94 FINDUSER ver. 1.00, util for Wildcat! 4.0.Tag any combination of text fields in youruser records and search for a matchingstring. Name, Alias, Address, phones, and allother text fields are available.
FIXAUSER.ZIP 27,135 10-02-94 FixAllUser v1.0 beautifies Wildcat! v4.x userThis program puts the Address1, City, State,in proper case and then rewrites the From fienew City, State fields. User definable cityregistered version.
FIXNODE1.ZIP 10,723 08-27-94 FixNode v1.0 - Front End Node Status Fix forThis will make the node status of nodes runniend appear as though they are Waiting For Caluser online does a Who's Online. It will onl
FIXUSER.ZIP 4,688 11-17-94 Fixuser v1.0 - Fixes a user's From,Addresses, City and Stae fields to thecorrect case. Are you tired of users puttingin such things as "123 main street" or"CHICAGO, IL" with complete disregard for the
shift key or their caps lock key? Well I am!Therefore, I wrote a short wcCODE applicationto fix the case in the following fields:From, Address 1, Address 2, City and State.
FLPCAT30.ZIP 228,522 02-04-94 FLIPCAT v3.0 FLIPCAT! 3.0 - The Multi-LineBBS Screen Rotation Software - by TriadSolutions, Inc. The most complete anddefinable screen rotation software ever.Rotate by Date, Time, Day of Week, &
Priority. Fast! Multiple passes onLocked/Open screens. Up to 1000 sets eachwith up to 100 screens! All data in Easy touse and maintain database!
FNLS110.ZIP 47,089 08-11-94 FNLScan v1.10 - Fidonet NodeList Scan doorScans up to 15 Fidonet (and compatible)nodelists for a variety of criteria definedby the user, such as BBS name, sysop name,city, area code and arbitrary text. This
allows the user to find other Fido systemsquickly and easily for netmail addressing,etc. Supports most BBS software, IRQs 2-15,FOSSIL drivers and Digiboard multiport cards.Now fully multi-language compatible and more!
FORCAT.ZIP 33,798 10-06-94 Wildcat! now comes with command lineParamiters that you can use help the BBS runbetter. With this program, you can change theparamter values for EVERY "CAT###.bat" filewith one swift motion. This program defaults
to adding the "/d" paramiter. Attrib to readonly the files you do not wish changed.Readme! file enclosed in the package. p
FORCE11.ZIP 8,125 10-28-94 Sysop configurable to cause a new user toreceive a required file of your choice, plusseveral other text files sent to his screen.Upgrades to a selected level of access andadds time bonus for additional browsing time
Sends gentle reminder to any user who callsin with a slow-speed modem. If manditory fileis refused, user is logged off right then!WCC code included.
FORCNEED.ZIP 1,470 10-30-94 LOGON.WCX compiled for 4.01 needed to runforce and still preserve you
FORSALE.ZIP 7,871 10-28-94 Let users add things to the for salebulletin. WCC source inc. WC4.01
FPRO401.ZIP 173,794 07-27-94 FILEPRO! 4.0 Wildcat! 4.0 File DatabaseUtility. Allows Sysops To Easily Maintaintheir Wildcat! File Databases. Very Quick andlots of Bells and whistles!
FREE#.ZIP 49,816 08-19-94 Show free/used disk space from dos with fuelgauge. Looks Like RIP!
FREEFLOP.ZIP 71,982 08-29-94 FREEFLOP ver. 1.06, util for Wildcat! 4.0.Produces up to 10 output files listing freedownloads available from your BBS. Reportsall files with "don't charge" flag set,sorted globally or by area. Allows single- or
double-line listing.
FREEMENU.ZIP 2,441 01-12-94 Sample Main Menu in RIP using WC Defaults
FRESH100.ZIP 3,930 10-28-94 FRESHEN.WCX v1.0 is a WCCODE program (.WCC &Fr[e]shen filelist files in Wildcat 4.0. Theupdate "FILELIST.ZIP" & "ALLFILES.ZIP," if fo4.0 database. It will also write a notation
activity log file as well. It is as simple aRun WcCode event, to be run each night, and yThose with WcCode, or a friend with WcCode, sFRESHEN.WCC where appropriate to currespond tnames (if different). The entire program isediting it is no biggie.
FSL8R112.ZIP 122,139 09-22-94 File Scan Later ver 1.12 File Upload Scan Del
FSTAT.ZIP 66,416 08-28-94 FSTAT version 1.33 for Wildcat! 4.x,3.xGenerates a statistical bulletin listing yourfile areas, the number of files in each,total size, average size, available diskspace.
FSTLG121.ZIP 8,838 01-21-95 FASTLOG 1.21 - wcCODE 4.01 - Increased logonverstility. Prompts for Fast Logon, NormalLogon or MailDoor. Maintains DOB/Phone#verification if used. Configure to forceNormal Logon if user hasn't called in (#)
days, to force Normal Logon after (#) calls.Use any one of 12 fields in the user recordfor storing number of calls data. Can alsoconfigure to display updated newsletterprompt even if caller selects MailDoor or
Fast Logon. Configure to Check Mail at logonor not, checks for U### files, now offersoption of direct access to doors menu. $5.00registration..
FURNC401.ZIP 5,148 11-10-94 The Furnace Door For Wildcat! 4.01 only! Flamnext user door in wcCODE. (C)1994 WasteLandsSoftware, Jeff Wayne author. Registrationonly $10.00! Just another ByProduct of TheWasteLands
F_AREA.ZIP 3,868 12-21-94 F_AREA.WCX This program will extract yabsolute paths from MAKEWILD for your file arUse as a menu option or with the supplied .BAfile.
G-SETUP.TXT 1,252 04-02-94 How I got D'bridge & WC3.6 to enable "G"protocols
GAMBLE.ZIP 6,034 10-28-94 Let users gamble with their time. 100%RIP analso Ansi. Source! WC401
GC100.ZIP 8,000 12-12-94 GETCALL ver. 1.00, utility for Wildcat!WCCode utility that interfaces with the QRZ!ham call database CD. For version 4.01 ofWildcat! Shareware.
GENBBS.BAT 5,635 04-02-94 Quoted batch file to pass from D'bridge toWildcat
GOLDPAGE.ZIP 6,168 11-14-94 GoldPage for WC4.01 Page Sysop with FREE WCCFeatures: 1 - Page SysOp 2 - Comment to SysOp3 - Quit back to BBS 4 - Goodbye 5 - Logsreason for SysOp page From Gold BBS (305)854-2135
GOODV14.ZIP 4,840 10-30-94 For Wildcat 4.1 DAMN Good! Ver 1.4 GoodbyeOption Replacement Instead of just lettingyour users log off this little program givesthem the option of Paging the Sysop with theCustomized Paging Module, Leaving a Comment
to the Sysop, Returning to the BBS orconfirming the log off. It is sensitive toyour help level and will display yourconference goodbye.scr,bbs,rip screenautomatically With BBS List, and New CFG
GOSCAN23.ZIP 235,996 03-09-94 GOSCAN v2.03 - The Ultimate GOMail v1.+ Log Ashall scan your GOMAIL.LOG file and generateprofessional output screens of ALL availablethe log files. It even supports Rip and TNet
generates a conference statistical output scrinformation, call TkdBbs Software HQ at (704)
GWHQPR21.ZIP 23,247 01-26-94 GWHQ PRO! v2.10 Wildcat Prompt Designer. 2/01allows you to easily change the color(s) or pWildcat BBS Software version 3.90 Single, MulIntelli-port Prompt files. New global Help,
global prompt error checking and both systeminsure a safe effortless utility that any Sysand quickly use. You can easily run thisutility from a batch your prompt file(s)regularly or from the com the new fresh look.
Tired of that mundane ye easily and safelychange it to any color and/ any prompt fileyou choose. It can save you and sometimesbuggy work with the editor. Fr available andthis software is fully function
HAYES.ZIP 2,095 01-31-94 Hayes .MDM and .RAM file along with NRAM dum
HAYES288.MCF 1,577 04-02-94 Hayes V.FC 28.8 modem configuration file forD'Bridge. It works for me, but no guarantees.leG e
HAYES288.ZIP 1,243 01-20-94 Hayes Smartmodem OPTIMA 28.8k V.FC .MDM for
HCALL23.ZIP 46,779 12-21-94 HamCall Lookup program v2.3 THE BAD BOY BBS!WC! 4.01 .wcx...New Features : 1. MultipleCall Sign Lookups 2. Will search Wc databasefor user match 3. Will allow you to downloadinfo from th 3. Will allow you to write the
user a mess Requires HAMCALL CD-ROM andIcall.exe HAMCALL CD-ROM is available fromBuckMaster
HMAIL100.ZIP 260,535 10-07-94 HyperMail! v1.00, the affordable mail tosser.HyperMail! offers an incredible suite offeatures while maintaining a low cost.HyperMail! boasts a MakeWild-like configprogram, fast tossing speeds, and an
integrated AreaManager. Released 10-05-94.For WildCat! v4.x. An InterProgrammingProduct - 1:301/3
HNDY161B.ZIP 13,558 10-19-94 EXTENTION DETECTING BATCH FILES v1.61 (BETABUG FIX) *FREEWARE* - for Wildcat! v4.xx.Determines file exten- tion with BAT fileContains pre-made files: VIEWCOMP.BAT,FILEDESC.BAT, SCANFILE.BAT. Needs NO external
execu- tables that aren't with DOS 6! Veryexpandable if you can write batch files. Fast& cheap alternative to expensive uploadprocessors. Uploaded/Written by: Bryan Wann
HNR122.ZIP 97,840 03-03-94 Headline NewsRoom V1.22 - Now Supports @CODE
HOLIDAYS.ZIP 308,357 08-05-94 HOLISCRN.ZIP the holiday screens needed to ru
HOSTAGE2.ZIP 1,913 10-27-94 America Held Hostage Day Counter
HOWPRMPT.ZIP 4,197 08-26-94 Text describing making WC4x prompt files foryour wcCode apps. wc4.01
HSLNKBAT.ZIP 3,727 01-20-94 HSLINK Batch File for WC!, Romdoor, Dataview.This works with the BBS and all doors. Youcan now enable the HSLINK Protocol in ROMDOORand Dataview. Just do some minor changing ofthe pathnames and you are ready to go.
HTRATE41.ZIP 86,226 10-15-94 High Transfer Rate Version 4.1 - Protocol Bul
HYPLOG11.ZIP 37,362 12-20-94 HyperLog v1.10 by BRL-Cowan City SoftwareExcellent utility for use with HyperMail! byInterprogramming. Displays netmailconferences and mail activity statistics tohello and bulletin screens. FREE
registration! For WildCat BBSs ONLY! Fixedsmall bug.
ICUPD270.ZIP 477,512 03-06-94 IconUpDater v 2.70 w/RIP Force callers to useRIPgraphics!!!!! Major UpGrade! Many Changes.Alot faster & Smoother, Looks better thanever before. More coool options... just thebest. Supports ANSI & RIP custom screens
@-codes. This is the ULTIMATE Icon UpDaterDoor! This thing is so packed with optionsyou wouldn't believe it. Added new SpaceSaver feature for you callers. Menu drivenconfig and Manual programs making setting up
this highly configurable Door easy! Has awasted! Support for DOS 6.2. Add 2 files ofyou own to the main menu to offer yourcallers, for offering RIPterm or your MemberDOCs. Forced fill features. No SysopMaintenance. over 5 support program include.
Great Icon Maintenacne! MUST use DSZ or GSZtransfer protocols. Also supports the ANSI
IM2WC10.ZIP 24,967 04-08-94 IM2WC v1.0 - InterMail 2.2x DOBBS.BAT toWildcat translater. IM2WC parses theDOBBS.BAT file created by InterMail andpasses the correct connect strings and MNPflag to Wildcat. Supports "oddball" connects,
connects greater than 19200, and no errorcorrection connects passed as "/None".Connects greater than 19200 now passed as38400. Freeware. Lawrence Gordon, Author
IM2WC4.ZIP 23,833 07-26-94 IM2WC4 v1.0 - InterMail 2.2x DOBBS.BAT toWildcat 4.x translator. IM2WC4 parses theDOBBS.BAT file created by InterMail andpasses the correct connect strings and MNPflag to Wildcat. Eliminates need for messy
EXEBBS.BAT files. Supports "oddball" connectsand no error correction connects passed as"/None". Freeware. Lawrence Gordon, Author
IMWCHM10.ZIP 134,554 10-19-94 Step by step setup for IM 2.29/WC!4/HyperMailThis step by step tutorial contains all the nscreen captures, batch files, and detail explto help you in connecting your Wildcat! v4.x
InterMail v2.29 and HyperMail! v1.0x and otheutilities with Fidonet. Sample setup files arfor easier setup. Easy step by step installatWritten by Mufutau Towobola of Systematic BBSFidoNet 1:278/111 * Systematic BBS> (718)
IMWCMNP5.ZIP 25,631 01-09-94 IMWCMNP v5.0 - Passes the MNP flag fromInterMail to Wildcat. IMWCMNP parses theDOBBS.BAT file created by InterMail andpasses the MNP flag to Wildcat. Now supports"oddball" connects, connects greater than
19200, and no error correction connectspassed as "/None". Freeware.
INFO10.ZIP 90,560 08-22-94 The Information Center v1.0 By Arti SoftwareAllows your users view existing text filesfor online viewing .
INFORM40.ZIP 45,299 09-23-94 Informer Version 4.0 - Monitor Specific Users
INMSG20.ZIP 17,133 11-03-94 INTERNET MESSENGER 2.0 - wcCode Program thatwill properly address InterNet Mail to a UUCPgateway for your users! No more returned mailbecause the user didn't format the addressing
correctly. User can choose netmail or email!Now has PERSONAL Address Books for EACH user!NEW FULL SCREEN MESSAGE EDITOR!!! AddressBook Bugfix. 11 entries/User! WC 4.01INTERNET WCCODE UUCP ADDRESSER EMAILCyberDeck Systems INMSG version 2.0 09/10/94
INUSE101.ZIP 18,838 01-22-94 INUSE v1.01 - Set Errorlevel if Wildmail/WIL
ISL12.ZIP 6,494 01-12-95 InterNet Site List 1.2 for Wildcat! 4.01wcCODE App that stores a seperate list ofboth FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and WWW(World Wide Web) InterNet sites. Your userscan add new sites online, or just list them
all for later use. Configurable to allow theSysOp to lockout upto three Security Levelsand Users that will NOT be allowed to haveaccess. Easy to install, and not crippled!